Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The 'Prize'

Here lies the dedication to the poem known as: The 'Prize'

Removed in the hopes that the publishing will go ahead smoother.

Look for my book "Skirting the Edge" in retail stores.


  1. Wow Duckie, that's fantastic.

    I really like this, you really put it forth and I absolutely love the end.

    Very brilliant work here.

    & even as a Pariah, you're still worth the world. Leasting to me. ^.^

    Brilliant. =)

  2. i agree.. and im gessing this is steph in the above comment XD they are awesome tho aiie duckie!!!!

    ur worth more than the world aiie bro (^_^)

  3. Haha aye, 'tis me honey.

    My google account thingo comes up with Emily for some reason and I can't figure out a way to just say "Sprout".

    Anonymous is easiest. ^.^
