Saturday, August 1, 2009

How will you be remembered?

Here lies the dedication to the poem known as: How will you be remembered?

Removed in the hopes that the publishing will go ahead smoother.

Look for my book "Skirting the Edge" in retail stores.


  1. i like this one also, well written. good poetry,what drives me crazy these days is the ordinary, an ordinary life drives me crazy somtimes, thats why i write, poor as the effforts maybe, the piano key thing is the one i like the best though seems to take you out of your skin a little- dave

  2. i read this again , its really really very good

  3. Wow. That's good Duckie.

    To be honest, I hate thinking about this topic because of my dreams. I don't know if I want to be remembered or not.

    You're worth more than a hug to me, kiddo. =)

    Nice work. Thought provoking. ^.^ Haunting.
