Thursday, May 13, 2010

Twilight series rundown

As a committed member of the website featured here:

I feel it is my duty to inform you that Twilight is a literary failure, with faulty grammar, sentence structure, perception of reality and is overall a terrible series.

In fact, that one would find a role-model in Bella, who is whiny, shallow, naive and weak-willed. There isn't much information on Bella, she is never described in detail so that any fan can insert themselves into the book.

However it goes into increasingly sickening detail (page or so) about Edward. Case in point, that one would base their "perfect man" on the character Edward - is preposterous, insane, callous and downright disturbing.

The "man" is an entity that has lived for some hundred years or so all up, has a 'thing' for a girl of 17, who is a minor. This is *illegal* (Pedophilia). He is supposedly a member of the undead, this is also illegal on the behalf of Bella (Necrophilia). He has been recorded illegally entering Bella's room (Breaking & Entering) and watching her sleep (Peeping Tom). He restricts who she can talk to and be friends with. This is a classic signal of relationship abuse.
He furthers these signs by following up on her when she does talk to Jacob.

Edward is a borderline criminal, in fact, as he has already died, he is no longer a citizen of America, thus making him an illegal immigrant. If Bella's estranged father cared any mote about her, he'd have had Edward's entire family deported - they're all dead, they do not retain citizenry rights whilst being dead. Thing is, he doesn't know. They don't talk, apparently. Poor Charlie.

Come back to reality. Edward does not exist. He will never notice you. Neither will "RPattz", you are just another screaming fan. That goes for all the other actors/actresses and to all other fans.

Find someone who treats you right. Someone who treats you like a queen.

Not this half-hearted BS about a vampire who doesn't even suck blood...


Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Here lies the dedication to the poem known as: Shattered.

Removed in the hopes that the publishing will go ahead smoother.

Look for my book "Skirting the Edge" in retail stores.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy Face

Here lies the dedication to the poem known as: Happy Face

Removed in the hopes that the publishing will go ahead smoother.

Look for my book "Skirting the Edge" in retail stores.


Written and submitted for a writing competition.
Theme was "hope and overcoming adversity"

Not my best. Doesn't have the flowing quality that the others do.
Emotion was a little lax in this one. *ponders*

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

'As you wish'

Here lies the dedication to the poem known as: "As you wish"

Removed in the hopes that the publishing will go ahead smoother.

Look for my book "Skirting the Edge" in retail stores.